F - 60min Sterling With Jodi
Q - 60min Iron Hour With Stephanie
P - 60min Hot Pilates With Jodi
Q - 60min Hot Pilates With Sam
O - 60min Hot Pilates With Caro
R - 60min Hot Pilates with Erin
M - 60min Hot Pilates with Caroline
K- 60min Hot Pilates with Sam
L - 60min Hot Pilates With Caro
H - Hot Pilates with Caro
J - 60min Hot Pilates with Kate
B - 60 min Sterling With Caroline
Practice discipline and self control as you blend strength building with meditative mindfulness.
suggested props: none
target areas: full body
sweat level: 2If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.
C - 60 Min Sterling With Sam
Practice discipline and self control as you blend strength movement with meditative mindfulness.
suggested props: none
target areas: full body
sweat level: 2If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.
D - 60min Sterling With Caroline
Find balanced strength as you lengthen your body from fingers to toes.
suggested props: none
target areas: full body
sweat level: 2If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.
E - 60min Sterling With Jodi
Find balanced strength as you lengthen your body from fingers to toes.
suggested props: none
target areas: full body
sweat level: 2If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.
I - 60min Sterling With Sam
H - 60min Sterling With Jodi
M - 60min Vinyasa With Erin
O - 60 Min Vinyasa with Erin
Q - 60min Vinyasa with Stephanie
L - 60min Vinyasa With Erin
H - 60min Vinyasa with Amanda
D - 60min Vinyasa With Stephanie
B - 60min Vinyasa With Stephanie
Turn stress into sweat with a class to strengthen, balance and shift your body and mind as you move through more challenging postures with connected breath. Power up your yoga practice like never before.
suggested props: none
target areas: full body
sweat level: 2If you have any health issues ...